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Kids on the Radio!

It's that time again! Our kids have been asked to be on the radio! 1320 KLWN is doing a short hour segment with our totally awesome cross country kids. Last year, Set 'Em Up Jacks had a sweet burger deal and nearly 20 kids showed up to partake in the fun time. What makes this such an awesome, little event? Welp, it brings some exposure to the program and it gives our kids a chance to tell their side of how the season is going and where they see the remainder of the season heading.

I know there have been plenty of team bonding moments throughout this stellar season, but this will be the final one with the entire team (aside from the end-of-season banquet, of course).

So, this Thursday at 5:45PM at Set 'Em Up Jacks! We hope to see as many of our totally-bodacious, crazy-awesome kiddos there as possible! It should be a great time!

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